その他の演算子【Other operations】



At addressing to the i-th element of array, the expression value is the value of the variable with serial number of i.

配列の i 番目の要素にアドレス指定した場合、式の値は、i の通し番号を持つ変数の値になります。




Only an integer can be index of an array. Four-dimensional and below arrays are allowed. Each measurement is indexed from 0 to measurement size-1. In particular case, for a one-dimensional array consisting of 50 elements, the reference to the first element will look like array[0], that to the the last element will array[49].

整数だけが配列のインデックスを指定できます。4次元以下の配列が許可されています。それぞれ容量は 0 から 容量サイズ-1 までインデックスが作成されます。具体的なケースで、1次元配列が 50 の要素から成り立つ場合、最初の要素へは array[0] のように参照し、最後の要素は array[49] となります。

At access beyond the array, the executing subsystem will generate the error of ERR_ARRAY_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE that can be got through the GetLastError() function.


Call for function with x1,x2,…,xn arguments.


Each argument can represent a constant, a variable, or an expression of the corresponding type. The arguments passed are separated by commas and must be inside of parentheses, the opening parenthesis to follow the name of the called function.


The expression value is the value returned by the function. If the returned value is of the void type, such function call cannot be placed to the right in the assignment operation. Please make sure that the expressions x1,x2,…,xn are executed exactly in this order.

式の値は、関数によって返される値です。もし、返される値の型が void の場合、関数呼び出しは、代入演算子の右側に配置できません。まさに、以下のオーダーで、式 x1,x2,…,xn が実行されることを確かめてください。



Comma operation


Expressions separated by commas are executed from left to right. All side effects of the left expression calculation can appear before the right expression is calculated. The result type and value coincide with those of the right expression. The list of parameters to be passed (see above) can be considered as an example.





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