int WindowHandle(string symbol, int timeframe) Returns the system window handler containing the given c…
int WindowHandle(string symbol, int timeframe) Returns the system window handler containing the given c…
int WindowFirstVisibleBar( ) The function returns the first visible bar number in the current chart win…
int WindowFind(string name) If indicator with name was found, the function returns the window index con…
string WindowExpertName( ) Returns name of the executed expert, script, custom indicator, or library, d…
int WindowBarsPerChart( ) Function returns the amount of bars visible on the chart. チャート上に表示されているバーの本数を…
string Symbol( ) Returns a text string with the name of the current financial instrument. 現在の金融商品の名前を文字…
bool RefreshRates( ) Refreshing of data in pre-defined variables and series arrays. This function is us…
int Period( ) Returns the amount of minutes determining the used period (chart timeframe). 使われている期間(チャー…
void HideTestIndicators(bool hide) The function sets a flag hiding indicators called by the Expert Advi…