int WindowXOnDropped( ) Returns the value at X axis in pixels for the chart window client area point at…
int WindowXOnDropped( ) Returns the value at X axis in pixels for the chart window client area point at…
int WindowsTotal( ) Returns count of indicator windows on the chart (including main chart). チャート上の(メイン …
datetiem WindowTimeOnDropped( ) Returns the time part of the chart point where expert or script was dro…
bool WindowScreenShot(string filename, int size_x, int size_y, int star_bar=-1, int chart_scale=1, int chart_m…
void WindowRedraw( ) Redraws the current chart forcedly. It is normally used after the objects properti…
double WindowPriceOnDropped( ) Returns the price part of the chart point where expert or script was dro…
double WindowPriceMin(int index=0) Returns minimal value of the vertical scale of the specified subwind…
double WindowPriceMax(int index=0) Returns maximal value of the vertical scale of the specified subwind…
int WindowOnDropped( ) Returns window index where expert, custom indicator or script was dropped. This …
bool WindowIsVisible(int index) Returns TRUE if the chart subwindow is visible, otherwise returns FALSE…