//— display the window of input parameters when launching the script #propertyscript_show_inputs //— filter inputstringInpFilter=“*”; //+——————————————————————+ //| Script program start function | //+——————————————————————+ voidOnStart() { string file_name; int i=1; //— receive search handle in local folder’s root long search_handle=FileFindFirst(InpFilter,file_name); //— check if FileFindFirst() function executed successfully if(search_handle!=INVALID_HANDLE) { //— check if the passed strings are file or directory names in the loop do { ResetLastError(); //— if this is a file, the function will return true, if it is a directory, the function will generate error 5018 FileIsExist(file_name); PrintFormat(“%d : %s name = %s”,i,GetLastError()==5018 ? “Directory” : “File”,file_name); i++; } while(FileFindNext(search_handle,file_name)); //— close search handle FileFindClose(search_handle); } else Print(“Files not found!”); }